School Safety
Schools are supposed to be a safe place, for both students and staff. I will work hard to ensure that Chippewa Valley Schools are safe for everyone, protected from both external and internal threats. We will consult with safety experts, including law enforcement, to make sure we are doing everything reasonably possible to keep classrooms safe. This includes keeping external threats from getting into the schools and reducing/eliminating internal threats such as weapons in school, bullying and harassment, fighting, etc.
While I don't believe in living in fear or maintaining a constant lockdown stance, we can work with law enforcement to ensure we have sufficient SROs in our schools, work with staff to identify and reduce student bullying, and promote respect of all of the student body and staff. Rather than focus on our differences, which by definition divides us, we need to embrace each other as human beings and treat each other as we like to be treated. Students and staff can and should identify and report incidents of aggressive behavior and administration needs to take these reports seriously and reprimand the offenders appropriately, up to and including expulsion.